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[COMPLETE]Practical Introduction to Fleet Fights - Sat, 23 March 2024, 18:00 EVE Time

Posted: 2024.03.08 07:34
by Xavier Anjou
This will be a mostly practical class to give players a hands-on experience in fleet fights. This class will be a short lecture(15-30min) followed by a long practical session(1-1.5 hours). The practical session will consist of dividing into two fleets with DPS and Logi and fighting each other. This is intended to give people practical combat experience and get a feel for applying damaging and repping damage in a live fire situation. After each fight, we will stop and answer questions and do a general review of what happened in the fight. This will also be a chance for people to step in and FC if they like and a prize system for people who do. This will be the T1 Eve Uni Merlin and the T1 Eve Uni Burst fits. You must be in Eve Uni to participate in the combat. All ships will provided you just need to show up and learn. This should be a lot of fun and a good hands-on experience. If you are an older player and it just sounds fun to fight and blow up ships you are welcome as well.

When: Sat, 23 March 2024, 18:00 EVE Time
E-Uni Mumble Fleet Channel TBA
The practical part will start in Stacmon

Duration: 2 hours

Topics Covered:
  • How to find/join a fleet
  • How to prepare for a fleet
  • Fleet communications and key fleet commands
  • Practical Exercise
Student requirements:
  • EVE Uni Mumble. Use this Guide for set-up (including 'push to talk')
Ships will be provided
This class consists of a short lecture, followed by a practical exercise in Stacmon.