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[CLASS] Sunday 2-10-2024, 20:00 PVP Skills - Target Selection + Moa Roam

Posted: 2024.03.05 03:37
by Azora Anzomi
A class about finding and choosing the right targets to fight.


How to know what your opponents are flying before you fight (dscan)
How to identify how experienced your opponent is,
An overview of ships and weapon types. (limited to T1 Destroyers and Cruisers today)
How to identify what weapons your opponent is using (and how best to counter it)
A review on basic PVP strategies and how you might counter your opponents fit(s).

After Class there will be a roam, again in lowsec, where we will try and identify targets we can fight using, an upgraded version of hunting thrashers. Hunting Moas (apologies in advance to SRP team, this whelp will be a bit more expensive than my thrashers.) But with using the DPS ship as the bait ship, along with 1-2 scout slashers, I hope to give more of my players the opportunity to hunt (and apply target selection principals from the class)

Formup in Stacmon, the Quad
Fleet doctrine ... da5cf1870f (might switch to the regular uni ospray, as much as I love my 4 rep ospray fit)

The Fleet will be SRP at the base level
Clean clones recommended
Sec status loss may (will) occur.

Newer players who cannot fly a Moa (the t1 version is not a super long train get in the basic T1), we will have need of a few tackle slashers to support our Bait Moa, and a few Griffons.