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[CORE CLASS] Introduction to Logistics | 27 September | 1830 EVE Time

Posted: 2022.08.29 13:57
by Raytar Lafisques
This CORE class aims to introduce new players to the Logistics in EVE Online and help them on their way to get started as a Logi pilot in New Eden.

Introduction to Logistics teaches the basics of the logistics system in EVE Online, what ships and skills to use, how to repair your fleetmates, and how to stay alive doing so!

WHEN: Tuesday 27 Septembe | 18:30 EVE Time
WHERE: E-Uni Mumble Classroom Alpha for voice, EVE Uni Discord Classroom Alpha for the presentation slides and class questions
INSTRUCTOR: Raytar Lafisques
DURATION: 1 hour lecture + Q&A

This class covers the following:
What is Logistics?
Logistics Ships and Equipment (Frigates and Cruisers)
Types of Fleets
Recommended (Beginner) Skills
Basics of Capacitor Chaining
Piloting tips
Student Requirements:
Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up:
Access to the EVE Uni Discord Use this guide for set-up:
Suggested Reading List: Logistics

Re: [CORE CLASS] Introduction to Logistics | Rescheduling

Posted: 2022.09.24 18:15
by Raytar Lafisques
Rescheduling as Intro to Logistics also scheduled for Monday 26 September. Date TBD