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[CLASS] PvP Fleet Command II: Content Generation and Uni Doctrines | Tuesday 30 September | 1830 EVE Time

Posted: 2022.08.18 12:17
by Uryence
This class is aimed at new/aspiring PvP fleet commanders (FCs), but anyone is most welcome to attend (perhaps you will decide you are in fact an aspiring FC during the course of the class!). You do not need to have attended PvP Fleet Command I to join.

This class covers basic and intermediate PvP fleet command concepts (I'm a long way from being able to teach anything advanced!), and their interaction to inform FC decision-making. Unlike many of our classes which introduce one defined set of game mechanics, this class pulls together aspects of many mechanics to discuss a particular activity.

We will cover:

- generating content
- dealing with excessive content
- common University doctrines

Instructor: Uryence
When: Tuesday 30 August 18:30 EVE Time
Where: Mumble (audio) and Discord (streaming); you will need to use both to get the full class.
Duration: 2 hours scheduled

Student requirements:
  • Mumble registration and access: make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this page for set-up.
  • Access to the EVE Uni Discord (slide presentation will occur in a Discord classroom, and Discord will be the main channel for text questions)
This class is a lecture followed by Q&A, delivered in Mumble, with the slides delivered on the EVE University Discord and questions taken in the relevant Discord channel. There is no practical component or need to undock. We recommend not doing anything risky or attention-intensive in-game while listening!