[COMPLETED] Intro to Incursions - 14th of February 2022 @15:00 EVE Time

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[COMPLETED] Intro to Incursions - 14th of February 2022 @15:00 EVE Time

Post by Muhib »


Incursions are high-end PvE fleet content that incentivizes a high-level coordinated fleet activity in high-sec space. The sites in Incursions are also a controlled environment in which players can practice fleet tactics and key fleet roles such as logistics, scout, picket, etc. It's a very profitable activity for any pilot based in a community that runs continuous fleets. Incursions are nomadic by nature, with focus areas lasting anywhere from a day up to over a week, forcing the incursion community to move near-constantly to continue taking part in the content. The primary objective of this class is to introduce new players to Incursion contents and the EVE University Incursion Community.

When: Monday - 14 Feb, 15:00 EVE Time
Where: E-Uni Discord Class Channels, E-Uni Public Mumble, "Class (EVE Uni)" in-game channel
Duration: Around one hour

Topics Covered:
  • What are Incursions?
  • EVE Uni Incursion Community
  • Vanguard Sites
  • Roles in VG Incursions fleet
  • How to join EVE Uni Incursion Community
  • Preparing for Incursions
  • Q & A

Student requirements:
  • EVE Uni Public Mumble. Follow this Guide for set-up
  • EVE Uni Discord. Follow this Guide for set-up

Additional information:
The class is primarily lecture, delivered in public Mumble and the Class (EVE Uni) channel, followed by Q&A...
Manager (Communities) | Community Co-ordinator | Senior Mentor Officer | Graduate | Teaching Officer
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
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