[CANCELLED] Intro to D-Scan - 2022.02.02 @ 19:00 EVE Time

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Professor Academiac
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Joined: 2014.03.12 07:29
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[CANCELLED] Intro to D-Scan - 2022.02.02 @ 19:00 EVE Time

Post by Professor Academiac »

Intro to D-Scan


D-Scan helps you blow up less, and blow up others more. It's a great intel tool that has no game skill requirements and is easy to master. This class will teach you the basics of D-Scan and how to use it effectively in various PvE & PvP situations.

When: Wednesday, February 2nd, 19:00 EVE Time
Comms: Public Mumble Server
Presentation: #class-presentations on EVE University Discord
Duration: 60m class & Q&A + 30m practical

Topics Covered:
  • What is the Directional Scanner
  • D-Scan User Interface (Overview, Map, Angle, Range)
  • Offensive and Defensive D-Scanning
  • Q & A - throughout the class
Practical: I'll form a fleet for that class and announce it in Class (EVE Uni) at the time
Station: Stacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Ship Required: Any cheap T1 frigate.
Content: We'll just play some D-Scan hunting games

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions? Please post them here.
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