(Completed) 2024-04-21 09:00 The basics of solo PvP in Factional Warfare

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T Sky
Posts: 22
Joined: 2023.12.31 14:42

(Completed) 2024-04-21 09:00 The basics of solo PvP in Factional Warfare

Post by T Sky »

This class covers the basics you need to know to start solo PvP in Factional Warfare with frigates and destroyers.

When: Sunday, 21st April 2024 09:00 EVE Time
Where: Discord Classrooms (Presentation) and Mumble (Voice)
Duration: up to 1 hour with Q&A

Topics covered:
  • FW game mechanics relevant for PvP
    - Ship size and tech limitations in FW complexes
    - Standings and security status
    - Deadspace pockets and warp-in mechanics
    - Features of Pirate FW
  • 1v1 archetypes
    - Positional advantage and range control
    - Five 1v1 archetypes you should know about
  • The 2024 “meta”
    - Most popular ships
    - Most popular archetypes
    - 1v1 win rates
  • Competitive 1v1 ships and skill progression for main weapons
    - Hybrids
    - Drones
    - Missiles
    - Projectiles
    - Lasers
  • Q&A
Student requirements: Additional information: This class is primarily lecture, delivered in Discord (Presentation) and Mumble (Voice), followed by Q&A. There is no practical component.
Last edited by T Sky on 2024.04.21 10:43, edited 1 time in total.
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