[COMPLETED] 2024-3-05 @01:00 Introduction to Logistics

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[COMPLETED] 2024-3-05 @01:00 Introduction to Logistics

Post by Salartarium »


This CORE class aims to introduce new players to the Logistics in EVE Online and help them on their way to get started as a Logi pilot in New Eden.

Introduction to Logistics teaches the basics of the logistics system in EVE Online, what ships and skills to use, how to repair your fleetmates, and how to stay alive doing so!

When: Tuesday 5th March, 01:00 EVE Time
Where: E-Uni Public Mumble for voice, E-Uni Discord (Classroom Alpha) for the presentation slides and class questions
Instructor: Salartarium
Duration: 1 hour lecture + Q&A
This CORE class covers the following topics:
  • What is logistics?
  • Logistics Ships and Equipment (Frigs and Cruisers)
  • Type of Fleets
  • Recommended (Beginner) Skills
  • Basics of Capacitor Chaining
  • Piloting tips
  • Q&A
Student requirements:
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