(COMPLETED) 2024-02-25 Intro to the Null-Sec Community (2000 Eve Time)

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Alastair Thomas
Posts: 293
Joined: 2022.07.23 16:43
Title: Community Lead (NSC)

(COMPLETED) 2024-02-25 Intro to the Null-Sec Community (2000 Eve Time)

Post by Alastair Thomas »

Postponed due to IRL

This class is aimed at Unistas who recently came to, and those who are planning to come to, the Null-Sec Community (PC9 pocket). Of course anyone not fitting that description is most welcome to attend as well. We will be using Mosq's recently-updated class materials.

This class covers basic information about the Nullsec community and provides links for further reading if you'd so please.

We will cover:
  • What is Null-Security space? What makes it different from LS/HS?
  • What is the EVE University Null-Sec Community?
  • PvP
  • Ratting & Exploration
  • Mining & Industry
Please be advised that some topics we touch upon have entire classes on their own. We will not do a deep dive into the listed topics.

Instructor: Alastair Thomas
When: 25 Feb 2024, 2000 EVE Time
Where: Eve Uni Twitch
Duration: 1 hour + Q&A

This class is a lecture followed by Q&A. There is no practical component or need to undock. We recommend not doing anything risky or attention-intensive in-game while listening!
Community Lead
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Alastair Thomas
Posts: 293
Joined: 2022.07.23 16:43
Title: Community Lead (NSC)

Re: (CLASS) 2024-02-25 Intro to the Null-Sec Community (2000 Eve Time)

Post by Alastair Thomas »

Postponed due to IRL
Community Lead
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