[COMPLETED] Introduction to EVE Careers (Core Class Prototyping USTZ) - 2024-02-13 01:00

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Spooky Braj
Posts: 18
Joined: 2024.02.04 21:18

[COMPLETED] Introduction to EVE Careers (Core Class Prototyping USTZ) - 2024-02-13 01:00

Post by Spooky Braj »


Introductory class exploring a number of different types of gameplay ("careers") players might want to explore in EVE Online.

This is the Core class, but modified to include latest activities and insights. Feedback will be used to update the Core class and determine advanced classwork.

When: 13 Feb, 0100 EVE Time
Where: Classroom Alpha in both Mumble (audio) and Discord (slide share)
Duration: 1 hour

Topics Covered:
  • AIR Career Program
  • PVE Combat
  • Exploration
  • Mining & Industry
  • Trade & Hauling
  • Next Steps & Resources
  • Q&A
Requirements: Mumble and Discord access

Additional information: This class is primarily lecture, followed by Q&A. There is no practical component.
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