[CANCELLED] Intro to Fleets - 2022.02.02 @22:00 EVE Time

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Professor Academiac
Posts: 757
Joined: 2014.03.12 07:29
Title: Ensign, Not actually a professor, Teacher, Graduate
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[CANCELLED] Intro to Fleets - 2022.02.02 @22:00 EVE Time

Post by Professor Academiac »

Introduction to Fleets


Are you new to EVE Uni or to EVE in general? Do you want to join others in running sites or some explodey PVP mayhem? Feeling a bit confused by all those terms and jargon you hear in voice comms? Well, do I have the class for you!!!

Introduction to Fleets is designed to go over fleet formation and function. Proper formation etiquette is explained as well as the basic fleet commands one can expect in a PvP or a PvE fleet.

When: Wednesday, February 2nd, 22:00 EVE Time
Comms: Public Mumble Server
Presentation: #class-presentations on EVE University Discord
Duration: 60m class & Q&A + 30m practical

Topics Covered:
  • Why Fleets are Useful
  • Types of Fleets
  • Joining or Forming a Fleet
  • Fleet Communication and Commands
  • Fleet Movement and Comms
Practical: I'll form a fleet for that class and announce it in Class (EVE Uni) at the time
Station: Stacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Ship Required: Any cheap combat-ready T1 frigate.

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions? Please post them here in this thread.
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Teacher • Mentor • Junior FC
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