(CLASS) 2022-01-16 Introduction to the Ship Fitting Window

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Lucy Funaila
Posts: 8
Joined: 2020.04.18 23:30

(CLASS) 2022-01-16 Introduction to the Ship Fitting Window

Post by Lucy Funaila »


This is an intro the ship fitting window. Learn all about how modules will effect your ships stats and how to sift though all the information overload you get your fist time trying to fit your ship! That being said we will be focusing more on the modules and interpreting ships stats vs how you fit x ship for y job.

When: Sunday, 16th of January, 18:00 EVE Time
Where: Mumble and Class (EVE Uni)
Duration: 1 hour Class + Q&A (first run of this so might take longer)

Topics Covered:
  • How does the Fitting Window work?
  • Which stats are relevant?
  • What's the difference between simulated and non simulated Fitting Window?
  • What are typical high, mid and low slot modules?
  • What skills affect your fitting and general ship performance?
  • Q&A
Student requirements:
  • Public Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: http://eveuni.org/publicmumble
  • Access to the Class (EVE Uni) in-game chat channel
  • You can be docked anywhere for this class.
  • If you want to follow along have a frigate fitted however you like in your hangar where ever you listen in from.
Additional information: This class is primarily lecture, delivered in public Mumble and the Class (EVE Uni) channel, followed by Q&A. There is no practical component.

Class Teacher will be Merc452

He has been an FC for Spectre Fleet and has taught many classes in the past.
KB link: https://zkillboard.com/character/1701814523/

Any questions just eve mail Merc452 in game.
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