[AAR] QRF vs. WeR4 2019.12.18 01:40

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Ergan Eto
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[AAR] QRF vs. WeR4 2019.12.18 01:40

Post by Ergan Eto »

QRF Members
Ergan Eto - Stratios
Dynamo Crash - Ashimmu
Nexdoom Miminger - Griffin
Lobevaser - Hyperion
Kontorta - Garmur
Harry Heinee - Griffin
Zarnix - Slasher

If your name is missing, please let me know and I'll add it!
Engagement Details
SvendHansen came into Jufvitte in a Catalyst. He was located at 0 on the Ansale gate in Jufvitte. Ergan Eto and Nexdoom Miminger were watching SvendHansen at the Ansale gate. Illiad D'Jax was on the Jufvitte gate in Ansale at 0.

Kontorta was traveling back to HSC from Dodixie and passed through the Jufvitte gate in Ansale passing Illiad D'Jax. After he jumped through, Iliad D'Jax followed him into Jufvitte. Kontorta warped to the Amygnon gate. After a bit Iliad D'jax warped toward Lemon Juice apparently aware that Harry Heinee was there in his Griffin. Harry Heinee was able to warp away successfully. A minute or so later Iliad D'Jax came back to the Ansale gate and both he and Svendhansen warped to 0 on the Amygnon gate. Nextdoom Miminger and Ergan Eto warped to tacticals at the Amygnon gate. Both WTs were at 0 on the Amygnon and Dynamo Crash was at a Uni tactical above the gate. The WTs warped directly on top of him and engaged him. Capt Hansen came into Jufvitte and warped to the engagtement wit Dynamo. Ergan Eto broke cloak and warped to 10 from Dynamo Crash and engaged Capt Hansen who had been called out by Lobevaser as primary. Other fleet members also engaged the WTs; however, not before Dynamo Crash lost his Ashimmu. Ultimately Capt Hansen was destroyed and the other WTs left grid.

Fleet members
Dynamo Crash - Ashimmu loss, ~74M ISK

War Targets
Capt Hansen - Vedmak, ~280M ISK

ISK Destroyed: 280,000,000
ISK Lost: 74,000,000
ISK Delta: 206,000,000
Efficiency: 73.6%

Overall Evaluation
(Positive stuff)
- Quick and willing participation by fleet members
- War targets were spanked
- Not all QRF's require formal organization.
- Plenty of interaction prior to engagement.

(Negative stuff)
- Would have been nice to catch the second Vedmak.
- Could not save Dynamo Crash's Ashimmu.
- I really need to learn how to FC!
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Re: [AAR] QRF vs. WeR4 2019.12.18 01:40

Post by lobevaser »

I called Cpt. Hansen as Primary due to what was said on mumble. I warped to Dynamo Crash at zero and I had to burn toward Cpt. Hansen to get secondary Scram and then I applied damage and drones on him . I was about to call out someone to get point on the 2nd Vedmak but per my overview he was burning away to warp off.

We the QRF was waiting for more folk to reship to try to kill all 3 of them, but Dynamo Crash called out he was engaged. I had to undock from QIB 6 and warp to the Juf gate and jump. Sadly I did not have the watch list up and I could not see how bad Dynamo was.

Ergan Eto decloaked and engaged as I was warping to Dynamo. Since Cpt. Hansen was still pointed by Dynamo I called him Primary. I think I did not give Ergan Eto enough time to let him call Pri. Sorry Ergan Eto. Since I did not Hear him call primary I took over as Acting FC and made the call.

Nexdoom Miminger and Harry Heinee was trying to Jam Cpt. Hansen I do not know if they had him jammed or not.
Cpt, Hansen tried to Nuet me but failed to even hurt my cap. I had just over 8000 cap left . Cpt. Hansen did get a few amour reps off but We had more Dps going into him than he could repair.

If the QRF used Caracals as we was talking about on Mumble the outcome might of been in their favor. or not.

Lobevaser - Teacher
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Devola Gestalt
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Re: [AAR] QRF vs. WeR4 2019.12.18 01:40

Post by Devola Gestalt »

Nice fight ! Props to all the participants.

I just wanted to drop a few words about the Ashimmu fit. Consider using Dark Blood / True Sansha non-adaptive membranes instead of the T2 ones:
  • For some magic reason, these faction membranes have had similar or lower prices for a while.
  • Less CPU needed
  • Less skills needed
  • Better resists
Here's the modified fit, with ~1.5k more EHP for ~1.5M less ISK (and 15 spare CPU which could be used to T2 the point/web for example).
[Ashimmu, Dynamo Crash's Ashimmu]

1600mm Steel Plates II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Dark Blood Energized Explosive Membrane
True Sansha Energized Kinetic Membrane
Dark Blood Energized Thermal Membrane

10MN Afterburner II
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I

Medium Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Medium Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Medium Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Medium Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Medium Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
T2 price: 80.75M
Faction price: 79.22M

It might not have made a difference though. Who knows :-)