QRF Against Hog Hitmen - 2019-12-06

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QRF Against Hog Hitmen - 2019-12-06

Post by Ievos »

QRF Against Hog Hitmen:

QRF Members (11)
ArneRik Cadelanne
Capt Steele
Coolio Enderas
Ergan Eto
Golan Aldent
monashi Deninard
Nienke Solette
Paddy Alfrir
Randrick Miromme – (in corp alt of Ievos)
ScrubLord9001 Scrub
shureer Yassavi

Round 1 – Bad Landing!

We had a war target (Zorin Firestone) come in through Ansalle, then Juff, then on in to Amygnon. They were flying a Macherial.
Zorin warped to Rivet City, and held there. Unfortunately, a member warped in and engaged in a Thrasher, which went down quickly. Prior to their being destroyed, I (Randrick) attempted to both rescue and engage. I had attempted to use that opportunity, to engage with an Assault Frigate, hoping to be too close to for the Macherial’s guns to track well and giving ScrubLord the chance to escape. If things went well, other members could warp in at optimal and engage.
None of this went to plan. The Mecharial took down the Thrasher too fast, and the warp in wasn’t close enough.


Round 2 – Too Fast, Still Furious!

We properly formed up, with fast tackle, DD and some logi. We attempted to engage the Mecharial, but due to it being far too fast, we never got into a position to actually engage. We burned tact’s, we warped at distances, and all around attempted to engage, but to no avail.

We failed to catch them, or do much more than get close enough to lose a ship and for the Mecharial to burn out of range. The



Battle Report: Report
ISK Destroyed: 0.00m
ISK Lost: -75,169,016.18
ISK Delta: -75,169,016.18‬
Efficiency: -100.00%

Overall Evaluation

The Good:
- We took the fight
- We didn’t keep people docked up needlessly, but rather pushed for the PVP.
- People on our end were happy to participate and enjoyed the content.
- No pods were lost in the making of this battle report.
- We got players in on the fight, regardless of skill level.
- Covered some details that may be critical to new players in future events (i.e. contracts).
- Learning was had.

The Bad:
- We had some miss communications, resulting in a loss.

The Ugly:
- Due to the speed disparity, the fight was perhaps more of a frustration than fun.
