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[QRF] Never engage the Ersin, for he is always bait...

Posted: 2018.09.19 09:19
by Gyrgon
The QRF was already forming after the WTs, a Proteus and Cynabal, managed to kill two of our event site running Gilas in the HSC area. When I joined, I quickly took over as FC, since Ersin didn't have a microphone available.

QRF members
Christoph Patrouette
Ersin Oghuz
Stogal Severasse
Lobe managed to locate the WTs with his alt in Sheenins, 2j from HSC, and we decided to have Ersin jump into Scheenins in his Hyperion to pose as an event site runner / bait, with the rest of holding on the gate in Jufvitte. Ersin was holding on the gate until an event site spawned and was about to warp to a new site when the first WT in his Proteus landed on him and engaged. I had the fleet jump through and primary the Proteus even when the Cynabal landed on the gate as well. We put all tackle, especially webs, on the Proteus to prevent him from burning back to the gate (he had de-aggressed already at this point) and even managed to bump him away. With the Proteus hard tackled and neuted, we continued to burn him down in quick order, while the Cynabal pilot didn't even engage us and just jumped straight past us into Jufvitte and then fled.

Kills and Losses
(08:40) Scheenins
Proteus +800 mil

ISK Destroyed: 800,447,785.97
ISK Lost: 0
ISK Delta: 800,447,785.97
Efficiency: 100%

Overall evaluation
(Positive stuff)
- Bait tactic executed succesfully.
- Fast formup
- The loot fairy was very generous :D
(Negative stuff)
- We had to let the Cynabal go in order to prevent the Proteus from reaching the gate

Re: [QRF] Never engage the Ersin, for he is always bait...

Posted: 2018.09.19 09:37
by Ersin Oghuz
Good AAR !

The moment I engaged and tackled him, and you jumped in, he disengaged and waited for weapons timer to fade but thanks to bumps and Ashimmu webs he could not do that.


Re: [QRF] Never engage the Ersin, for he is always bait...

Posted: 2018.09.19 11:43
by Ersin Oghuz
Actually after giving it a second thought, I can say there I did a mistake there. I did have the sufficient tank to hold Proteus fire for some time and I should have hold you at the other side of the gate until his Cynabal friend arrived and attacks me. That would guarentee that Cynabal could not take the gate due to 1 min timer too and maybe we could kill him in the process too. From now on I will evaluate this kind of thing better before calling the whole fleet.

Re: [QRF] Never engage the Ersin, for he is always bait...

Posted: 2018.09.19 18:10
by Mike Kingswell
Came for the title stayed for the concise AAR!
Good job ppl!

Where there's a whip....

Re: [QRF] Never engage the Ersin, for he is always bait...

Posted: 2018.09.22 12:37
by Raido Kudonen
ITT: someone thinks the Proteus is still a good PvP ship...