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Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2021.07.14 08:53
by MrWhite365
Has anyone ever done something like a side app where you type the first few characters of a particular triglavian ship name at your designated tier and it tells you (maybe by voice) what you should do for that room (eg. "engage lucifer swordspine first on approach but microwarp drive to lucifer cynabal and orbit at 500m with warp drive off") ?

BTW does anyone have a good solution for this room using the active worm fit?

1 x Cruiser Lucifer Cynabal
1 x Frigate Lucifer Swordspine

I've lost 1 ship in there and was very lucky the second time.

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2021.07.23 17:11
by Uriel Tkarmminni
You may find you need to overheat your shield booster while fighting the cynabal. However, for the most part, you want to get JUST near enough to have your drones target the cynabal, and then STAY AWAY from the cynabal. The swordspine is of secondary importance. It is also valuable if you can get a volley of missiled fired at the cynabal while you are in range. This will draw the aggression of the the NPCS to YOUR ship rather than your drones. Once the cynabal falls, I think you'll find that this room becomes much more simple.

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2021.08.22 14:30
by Garr Anders
In one of your videos you mentioned you have a special fleet setup, where you have the priority kill list as MOTD. Would you like to share that?

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2021.08.23 19:30
by H4lfy Khashour
Good guide, can you add to the checklist @ pre-jump, scoop MTU, everyone forgets at least once :)

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2021.10.13 23:21
by Uriel Tkarmminni true....

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2022.07.14 06:17
by Derimacheia Mayura
The skill plan for this is listing Drone Interfacing IV, which seems to be not available for an alpha clone. The skill would give 10% extra damage. Is it still safe to try this and I just need to take care a bit more, or better not do it?

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2022.09.12 13:42
by Dinah Arsten
I've recently started going through this track, and have progressed as far as the Worm. However, I found that even in Jita the fit price is close to 100m ISK at present. Which made losing my first Worm on the second run quite painful. I haven't even faced a Cynabal yet either...

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2023.07.04 16:35
by Tasha Menne
I am so very far away from this, but I am curious as to what kind of skills are required to run the T5's in your Step 6 Gila's?

Re: Alpha-2-Omega Abyssals Day 0 & Beyond!

Posted: 2023.10.19 07:42
by Arin Mara
I wish to remind you that this Guide has been moved to the Wiki by Uriel himself and reviewed by the Wiki Department. :)

The Wiki, as a host, offers many features:
  • a vibrant collaborative editing environment where any capsuleer can extend, enhance and update the guide - the last update was done in April of 2023
  • thousands of pages that already explain difficult concepts step by step
  • a powerful styling syntax
  • ready-made templates to show off and enhance the guide