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Request: new player friendly fit for event combat sites

Posted: 2020.12.12 18:27
by Tyr Valentine
Hey all,

I am a relatively new player (my character is about 1 month old) who would like to participate in the current event by running the combat sites.

Ideally it would be relatively cheap both on ISK and Skill Points as I would not have a lot of time to train into something completely new, given the event ends in 24 days. So far I focused heavily on drone skills, but it seems those are not well suites for those kind of sites.

Yesterday, I tried a Praxis fit I found on EVE Workbench, but it didn't work out at all. It took me 15-20 minutes to take out one cruiser and the battleship totally broke my tank and I almost lost my ship if it weren't for Nexdoom Atruin who came to my recue (thank again, mate!).

Any ideas?


Re: Request: new player friendly fit for event combat sites

Posted: 2020.12.13 01:27
by Gaelys Aarmenvar
o/ I don't have a fit on hand, but I would recommand to team up! Something like a few RR (remote repairs) Vexors should do the trick. With some WHC members we tried the high sec ones day 1 and 3 RR drekavacs were already more than enough to get through.