[AAR] Magic Merlins Mayhem in May

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[AAR] Magic Merlins Mayhem in May

Post by Tomlin »

My first outing as FC was a success. We filamented into Providence with 18 in fleet (17 + 1 alt), and scouts caught a Porpoise real quick off a station with a combat timer. We had a few first timers in fleet so they got the experience of e-war only, target broadcasting, etc. with that.
Then we headed over into Catch and got an Endurance, Heron, and a few Ishtars all with 0 losses on our end. Took a few mins break at an NPC station in Curse then filamented over to Malpais. We couldn't find any content there, so took 1 last filament and ended up 1 jump from 1DQ. At that point we hadn't been shot back at yet, and were ready to wind the fleet down, so we hopped into 1DQ, put a bubble on the gate, and awaited challengers. We got a marshal to half armor before a fleet of redeemers and a few FAXes warped in.

Laser's Roam Report seems to be bugging out and doesn't like our log. So here's a different one with a bit less detail:

And the BR of our loss in 1DQ, Note that another fight was happening at the same time elsewhere in system. Ignore the Team C and Mackinaw loss from Goons, that wasn't us.

So overall ~834mil destroyed and 464mil lost.

Big thanks to Francie for 2ICing (and supplying free Merlins in conjunction with SFC team), and Shukken and Zhandris for phenomenal scouting. Props to Tommy Yaken who got his first killmail along the way, and Handan Sthil, Sardt Pier Alabel, and Enno Gond who were new to fleets and PVP and did great! Also nicely done to Khai Emmerald and Retaris Malso who I bullied strongly encouraged to try Harpies instead of Merlins, I hope it was worth the extra isk for you!
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Handan Sthil
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Re: [AAR] Magic Merlins Mayhem in May

Post by Handan Sthil »

Fun first time PvP experience for me. It was cool that we ended off right at 1DQ and died in a blaze of glory o7
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