[AAR] Hunting Thrashers 3-3 (23:00)

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Azora Anzomi
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Joined: 2014.01.02 08:35

[AAR] Hunting Thrashers 3-3 (23:00)

Post by Azora Anzomi »

Took another armor thrasher flee out today, because, its always a fun time and wanted a practical for an Intro to PVP class.

https://www.eveworkbench.com/fleets/195 ... da5cf1870f

We went out to heydelies, after spending the traditional 5 minutes to wait for those who managed to get lost after 1 jumps, and docking to put on the rigs I forgot to remind them about. we sent our bait punisher into Heydelies, and soon found a few cruisers and BC on the Factory station there,

Our scout had some problems mis-identifying whether any had suspect and took gate guns after tackling, but managed to live. We reset, and caught a hookbill on the station.
https://zkillboard.com/kill/115994735/ Griffon died, because of gate guns, I had ordered immediate warpoff after the kill to try and avoid it. But was not hard to reship.

Tried to catch a straggling sedition Cyclone Fleet issue, but ran into his fleet who had pulled to range from the gate. Called hold cloak and emergency crash gate.

Eventually mad our way to a battlefield, slid in the gate, and the 20 guys inside run... like they were all frigates in seagulls.

Well, with them forced out, only 1 thing to do right? We sat in from of the caldari warpin beacon and farmed seagulls for a while. including 2 cruisers

we were eventually forced out by sedition and began working our way back
Caught a cat navy issue, with our griffon landing a hero jam to keep our punisher alive

And then, one of the most exciting things that could happen on a thrasher roam happened. Our bait, tackled someone elses bait.

In this case a Praxix, with 2 fleets violently crashing into eachother.

Realizing the escalating force had a few exec logi, I switched primary to an exec logi because we were not breaking the praxis fast. Then we ground down 2 exec navies.
Gateguns worked in our favor in this fight, the praxis was suspect, we were not and it took alot of damage from gate guns and thats why it died to.


Roam Report https://www.roamreport.com/f/cnig54a23akg00a6q1cg

Most of the trashers died... but thats the point. They were never supposed to live.
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