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AAR - Moon Miners - Slays

Posted: 2023.12.18 20:55
by FireFrost
FireFrost Joined Hs Standing Fleet - a new unista needed a mackinaw , so I took an old one I had already fit and tossed it to them no charge Admiral Excelsier , I then hopped in my Falcon as I usually do when not doing anything else and went into slays around the moon miners to guard them a bit , when I saw a Heron land in coms I asked did you all see the Heron ? no one saw it then a cat landed , I uncloaked as 3 more landed locked them all up as soon as they turned red I ecmed all of them and prevented the pod kill but wasn't able to stop the initial hit to the hulk , the gankers then got popped by concord , after respawning they had a fuun filled night of killing in amy and a few low sec systems killing pods also , but were thwarted by the GodKing FireFrost lol Maybe they will think twice before hitting slays , these guys have also hit brelly and amy .