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[AAR] FW Galmil Fleet - 18:30 10 July

Posted: 2023.07.14 20:36
by Moritz Gaterau
Roam members (5)
Alex EpicPotato - Thrasher
Buns A Glazing - Slasher
Minsc n Boo - Thrasher
Moritz Gaterau - Thrasher
Notvegantofu - Thrasher
My first factional warfare roam in the Cal/Gal War zone was rather uneventful. Form-up was smooth, and two unistas were completely new to factional warfare. Because of that, I started the roam with a bit of plexing to show and explain the mechanics of factional warfare. Sadly, we could not capture a plex because of a possible bug (the plex was shown "captured" on the timer, but we did not get any message or LP payout). We then decided to venture out and find a good fight.

Kills and Losses

(20:18:13) Sujarento
Slasher -7.39m

Starting from Heydieles we set our destination to Tama. On our way, our scout warped into a gatecamp and got caught. I misunderstood the intel from our scout, that the gatecamp was in Tama at the Sujarento gate, and ordered him to hold on the gate for a moment, thinking he had gate cloak. So this loss was avoidable.

(20:49:45) Kedama
Thrasher -6.94m
Thrasher -12.64m
Coercer Navy Issue +32.05m
Capsule +0.01m

After our fleet made it to Tama we took a short bio break until our scout caught up to us. It was already getting a bit late, so I wanted to take the fleet back to Heydieles by going through Kedama. In Kedama Notvegantofu pointed out that there were four small plexes in the system, so we split and did some plexing before folding. This finally brought us some action. Minsc n Boo was caught by an enemy and did lose his ship, and the rest of the fleet was not able to catch up again quickly enough.

We then split again to continue plexing. I did not pay attention to d-scan for a short moment, and then I did see an enemy Coercer Navy Issue sliding in. In did order the fleet to warp to FC while I tried to pull range to not die immediately. I then proceeded to die, but our scout was fast enough to get tackle, and the rest of the fleet secured the kill. So we found at least some PVP action in the end. I then headed the fleet back to Heydieles because it was getting late.

ISK Destroyed: 32,061,647.99
ISK Lost: 26,976,124.23
ISK Delta: 5,085,523.76
Efficiency: 54.307%

Overall evaluation
  • (Positive stuff)
    • Smooth form up
    • Overall, very laid-back, we had some nice chats during the fleet
    (Negative stuff)
    • Next time, more content... please :D
    • The Slasher loss was avoidable, next time I want to improve on communication to avoid that.