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[WHC] Nulldive: Small Ships II 2018-11-03T18:00Z

Posted: 2018.11.07 14:59
by Conci Furiram
We found caps.

We had 10 people this week. Form-up took way too long because we couldn't get people into Jags/RFF. Ships are 50m tops and are available on contract and on the market; there's no excuse for the long form-up!

We roamed around and found nothing till we ran into Bomber's Bar ganking two Rorquals. After they had left, the locals dropped a Chimera and Minokawa with a Kestrel and Harpy to play with us.

On this fleet, I tested my recording set-up and it works. Now I can forever watch my ship piloting degrade every time I'm focusing on the fleet!

The video is rich with learning points for everyone involved:
  • Split damage due to mismanaged drones.
  • Bad positioning.
  • Broadcast early.
  • Always have AB on.
  • Minokawa locks really fast.
  • Fighter alpha is a concern on T1 Comet. We need to be T2 for carrier-hunting.
  • Caps are new norm.
Final battle report lacking all the templars we killed.

Re: [WHC] Nulldive: Small Ships II 2018-11-03T18:00Z

Posted: 2018.11.07 23:27
by Zako Maken
So awesome to have the video. I think this will finally motivate me to start recording. What program do you use?

Also, I learned from this how combat timers work for logi which is great to know!

Re: [WHC] Nulldive: Small Ships II 2018-11-03T18:00Z

Posted: 2018.11.07 23:45
by Conci Furiram
I used OBS. Hardest part was getting my own mic to record since it isn't in the desktop output. I used mic input in OBS and set the push-to-talk key same as my Mumble one--had to make sure it's not suppressed in the Mumble settings. Then fixed mic audio like this guy says: