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Rohan Amadeus
Posts: 65
Joined: 2017.01.03 04:10
Title: Mentor, Sophomore


Post by Rohan Amadeus »

Why? Cause we can!

WHEN: 19.08.2017 00:52 - 03:20

So yesterday was definitely another interesting time for NSC dealing with people coming into our space.

Started with this tasty morsel, completely unrelated to the fight to come, to whet our appetites:

JayC's Thorax +38.03m

His friend started to jump into JH-, but then realized the thorax was going down way quicker than he could do anything, so his friend bailed. lol...

Then came the fun part of the evening - a vindicator, an imperial navy slicer, and a phantasm (fly into a bar...)

The vindicator went straight to our catch bubble and primary was called on it so we quickly started to point and web him. Their phantasm had flown to a tactical away from the bubble so I think the point was to make the vindicator the bait for us so that the phantasm could apply damage on the side and boy, did we oblige and take that bait.

Lanik and I went in and started tackling him as best we could with further assist coming from Knicpaw and other DPS ships coming in, but our initial tacklers and one DPS ship were no match for the power of the vindi while the phantasm was on the side applying damage to us.

Lanik's Deimos -326.19m
Rohan's Thorax -25.93m
Knicpaw's Imperial Navy Slicer -31.67m
Nabs Hawk's Vexor Navy Issue -155.60m

However, DPS backup had arrived on top of what we had and since this was happening right outside of our HQ, reshipping was definitely going to be possible and quick. With that happening, we managed to take down our main entrée of the night:

Skeffington's Vindicator +778.28m

By this point, the phantasm had chosen to disengage and they had a friend come into system in an imperial navy slicer and was also taking potshots at us when they could find someone alone. One of our own attempted to tackle the INS since it was at a tactical next to one of theirs, and was sadly taken down pretty quickly.

Gaheris' Garmur -152.73m

Meanwhile, as we were trying to figure out how to take down the phantasm and INS, a random pilot shows up from cavemen from JH- We weren't focused on him (I'm pretty sure he flew in with either a pod or some really crappy ship) and he flew into PC9 without anyone harassing him. However, he decided to fly out in a brutix navy issue and we had some people camped on the gate waiting for the phantasm or INS and he flew right into us. We proceeded to pop him right there on the spot.

Prriimmarry's Brutix Navy Issue +233.01m

In the middle of us continuing to hunt down the INS and the phantasm, the group surgiChole came in with a crew looking for a fight, but we weren't really interested in fighting them over hunting down the last group. Unfortunately, they took down one of ours before leaving.

Snuffleupagus' Claw -61.99m

After they left, we continued to try to hunt down the group from before. The phantasm kept docking up at home station while the INS kept flying around. We had K950 wait with a crow in JH- just in case he jumps out and we had Jaha wait there as well with an interdictor to bubble up the gate if he jumps through, which he did soon thereafter. Derek, Lanik, and I flew in to assist. The bubble was deployed, but the INS flew too quickly for us to catch. However, instead of leaving, the INS decided to continue to stick around, either to bait us into another fight so that he could quickly take a few of us down, or he was acting as eyes for the phantasm to let him know when he could leave. Either way, we decided to engage where we could. K950 went in for a tackle and we warped to him as quickly as we could. Derek was able to apply secondary tackle, but we ended up losing the crow before we could take down the INS.

K950's Crow -31.10m
Qui Tzar's Imperial Navy Slicer +27.30m

Suddenly, the phantasm found himself alone in the den of the lions, but he wouldn't go down without a fight and the hunt was on. The phantasm would dock and undock, but ultimately he found his demise when Derek was able to see him warp to a specific asteroid belt. Derek flew in to quickly apply tackle while the rest of us were on our way. We ended up taking down the Phantasm, but unfortunately Derek would lose his ship before we would be able to take it down.

Derek's Hyena -35.13m
Bubble's Phantasm +179.45

Thus we found ourselves at the end of the fight satisfied that we took down everyone we wanted to. You would think that our story ends there, but we soon had an unexpected, yet pleasant, surprise in the form of a former uni member jumping into our system in JH. Analiese Aubernet decided to fly in on a confessor and the hunt was on for our friend of the uni. He flew into our back pocket, so we began setting up traps both in x-p on the pc9 gate, as well as on the x-p gate in PC9. K950 was set up with an interdictor so that he could pop a drag bubble from ZN0, while Jaha kindly logged back on to provide his interdictor on the side of PC9 right on the X-P gate. However, being a former uni member, Analiese knew more than a few of our tricks and he would fly to tacs and avoid the drag bubble entirely. Omnicious decided to try and tackle him on the side of x-p, but he would end up losing his ship for it.

Omnicious' Malediction -43.12m

Analiese then jumped into pc9 where we had Jaha put a bubble up, and we had one person tackle him, but Analiese had burned back to the gate and jumped back into X-P. The rest of us followed and we were finally able to catch him.

Analiese's Confessor +67.04m
...and we podded him.
Analiese's Capsule +18.69m

We spoke to him after and he said that he was hoping that more of us would have tackled him and redboxed him before he jumped back into x-p so that he could continue to string out our tacklers and take them out one by one, but we only had one person tackle him and he was a sitting duck once one of our tacklers got him on the side of x-p.

Overall, a grand time was had by all.

ISK lost: -863.46m
ISK Destroyed: +1.34b
ISK Delta: +478.34m

One fact I learned: Don't fly in a line to/away from a confessor in a frigate. You get popped fast! Lesson brought to us by Omnicious
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Posts: 42
Joined: 2015.05.14 01:29
Title: Lowly line member that we send out to die first, Freshman


Post by Knicpaw »

What I learned...

Orbiting tight on a Vindicator does not protect you from the ranged guns of his friend in the Phantasm. :(
