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[Event] Uni Karaoke - Musical Theatre edition - 2 June 2024 at 20:00

Posted: 2024.05.11 16:13
by Laura Karpinski

Hello! Three things Laura loves: singing, musical theatre and EVE Uni. Let's smush them all together, get down and defy some gravity.

I just know we have some fellow musical theatre nerds out there and you're fabulous, baby! Welcome to the candy store, you will be found and make many memories.

Come along, embrace la vie boheme and sing all your favourite songs from the musicals.

Wait for me: 2 June 2024
Opening up: 20.00 EVE time
The room where it happens: Mumble and Discord
Music of the night: Whatever you choose, as long as it's from a musical!

Small print:

- This is a no pressure kind of deal, if you want to come along please do. We won't force you to sing, you can just listen if you like. Or shall we dance?
- Songs may occasionally have non Uni Comms friendly lyrics.
- I'll award a prize to the person who picks out all the musical theatre references from this post. 13 in total.
- Image by gstudioimagen on Freepik

Re: [Event] Uni Karaoke - Musical Theatre edition - 2 June 2024 at 20:00

Posted: 2024.06.02 01:28
by Vaus Breau
Hopefully I can make it - here's my guesses for the musical references:
  1. Jvpxrq "qrslvat tenivgl"
  2. Erag "yn ivr oburzr"
  3. Fvfgre Npg "snohybhf, onol"
  4. "Funyy jr qnapr" sebz gur Trefujva zhfvpny bs gur fnzr anzr, nqncgrq ol Serq Nfgnve (1937)
  5. "Trg qbja" cebonoyl ersref gb Fvk gur Zhfvpny.
  6. "Ebbz jurer vg unccraf" sebz Unzvygba.
  7. "Pnaql Fgber" vf sebz Urnguref.
  8. "Lbh Jvyy Or Sbhaq" vf sebz Qrne Rina Unafba.
  9. "Zrzbel" vf sebz Pngf.
  10. "Pbzr nybat" vf n Aryfba naq Qhqyl zhfvpny sebz 1919, naq na vaperqvoyl qrrc phg vs gung vf gur ersrerapr.
  11. "Zhfvp bs gur Avtug" - Cunagbz
  12. "Jnvg sbe zr" vf sebz Unqrfgbja
  13. "Bcravat Hc" vf sebz Jnvgerff.
  14. "Fvat" vf nyfb n zhfvpny gvgyr, ohg V qbhog gung'f zrnag nf n ersrerapr.

Re: [Event] Uni Karaoke - Musical Theatre edition - 2 June 2024 at 20:00

Posted: 2024.06.02 15:17
by Retaris Malso
So I should be able to do this - my choices would be "The Music of the Night" from the Phantom of the Opera, or "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables...