[COMPLETED][Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

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Chris Halsky
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[COMPLETED][Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Chris Halsky »


Hello Capsuleers!

It's time to celebrate Uni 20th Birthday! This means that Halsky's Tuesday will be a bit different this time - since we have a lot of events planned, this time I will not post a poll to pick a topic - instead I will do Abyss Stream & Shared Can!

Wait, what‽

Easy peasy:

1. I will run my T3 Abyss, with usual stream - explaining what/why/how, so we can all learn. Anyone can join and watch, no changes here

2. Anyone who is also running Abyss during 2h of my stream (19:30 - 21:30) can opt in to Shared Can - we will collect all the loot from all runs, I will drop in something extra from me for 20th Uni Birthday, and then it will be shared among all participants!

3. To be eligible for part of the loot, you need to complete at least 1 Abyss run - doesn't matter which Tier/Weather/Ship, Solo or in Fleet - it matters if it's finished and you handed over the loot :)

If needed - I will happily take you with me to T0/T1 to show you Abyss if it's your first time - or we will find someone experienced to take you there. It's also perfect chance to take a free ship and dive into Abyss for the first time!

When: Tuesday 12th of March, 19:30 EVE Time
Where: Discord Streaming Lounge (Stream) and Mumble (Voice)
Duration: 2 hours

Student requirements:


Hivaa Saitsuo!
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Chris Halsky
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Re: [Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Chris Halsky »


We are celebrating Uni 20th Birthday, so I decided to give more people chance to participate in shared can (and I want to do few runs more to make loot stash bigger) - so I'm extending "Shared Abyss Can" until Friday 15th, 20:00 - if you finish at least one Abyss run, and contract me the loot before deadline, you will get a share of the loot :)


Hivaa Saitsuo!
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Chris Halsky
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Re: [Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Chris Halsky »

Event is over, thank you for participation!

Please give me a day or two to sort out loot/conttracts/payouts, I will contact you via EVE-mail and post summary here in the topic :)


Hivaa Saitsuo!
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Chris Halsky
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Re: [Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Chris Halsky »


Thank you very much for participation! Event went better way than I expected!

Participants (in random order):

Amfion Bravais
Idris Du'Vet
Julius Frontinus
Zkadon Estemaire
Sang Woo-Krang
mrbah Chieve
Odaka Oramara
Spooky Braj
Toy Soldier
Brandie Poundomax

And your (not so) humble Chris:)

The important part of the event - LOOT!!!

I split loot into two categories - Industry materials (Zero-point Condensate and Crystalline Isogen), and the rest.

Industry materials - https://janice.e-351.com/a/eJxMIU - awesome result! Maeden Anthar offered to pay Jita Split for these materials, which is better rate than buyback - so we got 321.852.455,00 ISK from that! Since Buyback doesn't take BPCs, I gave them to Maeden as my way of thanking him for supproting Abyss community (and to get rid of them, as they are worth pennies).

Remaining stuff - https://janice.e-351.com/a/FMOg8V - which after Buyback taxes comes to 1.684.517.584,00 ISK. YOU-ARE-AMAZING!

In total it means that every participant will get 182.397.276,00 ISK - I will send ISK to you together with EVEmail as soon as Buyback gets processed :) No takesies backsies - if you now tell me you don't want the ISK, keep it and use it for some fun event :)

Extras - there are two extra awards this time:
* 10 PLEX for every participant, for Uni 20th Birthday :) It's a celebration time, and extra rewards are always fun - so why not :)
* Odaka Oramara gets a special prize for "Absurd Contribution" - his support of this event was simply Amazing, and it is worth highlighting. I hope that small gift I contracted will allow you to expand your Abyssal knowledge and provide you a lot of fun :)

Once again - thank you very much, you made this Event possible !


Hivaa Saitsuo!
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Re: [Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Crayox13 »

Wow, so cool! And thanks to Odaka :)
Also thanks to Chris for organizing this of course!!
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Odaka Oramara
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Re: [Uni 20th Birthday] 2024-03-12 at 19:30 - Halsky's Tuesday - Abyss Stream with Shared Can!

Post by Odaka Oramara »

Daaaaamn, I am only gone for a few days and am coming back to an amazing finished event and another suprise by EVE mail and contract.

I am happy to have helped with this event and am hoping we can get another one on the way soon-ish ... maybe after the war? ;)

@Chris: Thanks again for organizing the event, you are doing an amazing job growing the Abyssal Community together with the other coordinators!
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