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[Completed] [Uni 20th Anniversary][EVENT] Shaemus' Shooty Shenanigans -> 2024-03-16 @ 16h00

Posted: 2024.03.02 13:00
by Shaemus O'Conor
Welcome to Shaemus' Shooty Shenanigans!


Do you want to see spaceships explode and preferably have a part in those explosions yourself? All while celebrating 20 years of EVE University? :OHMAHGAWD!:

Then come join us in Slays for a team Uni Fight Club based round of shenanigans!

Date: 2024-03-16 @ 16h00 EVE. (preferably already have a ship pulled from contracts before the event so we can get going quickly)
Location: Slays Dairek's Chateau, 1 jump from Stacmon
Duration: ~1-2h
Ships: UFC and FD ships from free corp contracts. Be in a clean clone
Initial Fleet: Look for one from Shaemus O'Conor for the initial formup
Mumble: Delta fleet channel. Have the whisper hotkey set up
PvP Experience Required: New to PvP. You understand basic EVE mechanics like approaching, orbiting, right clicking on things in the overview, how ships have shields, armor and hull HP, how to travel to systems. If you have only completed the Career Missions, you are here.

The plan is to celebrate the awesome Flightdeck program the Uni is running and as such use some of the free FD frigates from corp contracts for some shenanigans, namely forming small teams and having a go at each other.

This is your chance to try out some completely free and fun PvP, if you are a newbro and never did so before, or if you are a carebear oldbro and want to dip your toes into the awesomeness that is EVE PvP for the first time. Or even if you are the most bitter of bittervets but want to feel the fun of flying a cheap T1 frigate again (or show off one of those shiny skins you've collected over the years)!

It is also a great time to try out FCing, or at least target calling in a small gang environment.

So what's the plan?
- Everyone grabs a T1 frigate from the corp contracts in Slays (name starting with UFC) or Stacmon (name starting with PvP). Preferably you do this before the fleet starts so we can start shooting as quickly as possible. Have a look here on how to find the FD contracts.
- We get into the initial fleet in Slays and split into teams from there
- Then we warp together to the arena, have the teams take their position, give them a minute or two to form a strategy and then have a go at it!
- We reship and have another go or 3
- We enjoy the beautiful explosions!
- Watch out for some special shenanigans!

There will be prizes like PLEX and skins for the best team and more for some hidden achievements! :wink:

Let's get our best PvP hats on and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Uni by exploding some ship!

Re: [Completed] [Uni 20th Anniversary][EVENT] Shaemus' Shooty Shenanigans -> 2024-03-16 @ 16h00

Posted: 2024.03.17 20:24
by Shaemus O'Conor
Thank you for everyone who showed up, many explosions were to be had! :D

I hope you all had as much fun as I and I'm looking forward to see you during more PvP events, be it UFC or roams or shooting wartargets!

But for now, let's hand out the prizes:

  • 110 Plex
  • 500mil from an awesome donor
  • 1 fitted Myrmidon L3 mission runner from another amazing donor

And as a German as well as an EVE Player I cannot do without a list in Excel, so here is the prize distribution for the three squad based rounds and the two free-for-alls:
The winners of the free-for-alls got 10 Plex more than the rest and for the fleet rounds everyone got a base of 30mil ISK and then the remainder was split according to how often you were on the winning side.

The Myrmidon was raffled, congratulations Dossoles! As a newcomer to PvP we instantly made your killboard over 77% dangerous with the event, which is something many elite PvP players strife for all their career. Now you can take the Myrm out to earn ISK and hopefully the PvP bug has bitten you so you can immediately spend it on ships to blow up! :lol:

You might also have spotted some Griffin skins amongst the prizes, obviously the word of the Holy Griffin must be spread amongst the people! All praise the glorious ECM! :angel5:

The contracts for the Plex, skins and the Myrm will be up shortly (in Stacmon V - 9 Fed Navy Assembly Plant due to the wardec, you never know... :wink: ). Please don't undock with Plex in your cargohold, put them directly into your vault. Your wallets will have the ISK already in them.

Enjoy your winnings and thanks again for coming along to my shenanigans!

And finally, every participant has been entered into the space violence raffle, hopefully you will win there as well!