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[To Be Rescheduled] Shared Can & Q&A

Posted: 2023.11.01 20:25
by Xobekk Gao
Hello Eve Uni !

Date/Time: 18 November 1600 EVE
Location: Slays - The Woodshed
Doctrine: All mining ships welcome, loaners will be available if you need

We will be combining a shared can moon mining event with an overview of Life in Mercenary Corps with guests Tal Tracyn (former EUni Diplo Manager) and Masty from Blackflag giving us an overview of what life is like in a mercenary corp.

We plan to have giveaways for those participating in the Q&A and quiz on mumble.

If you would like to help with the organising please feel free to reach out on discord (and any questions as I'll probably get a reply back to you there quicker).

The shared cans go into buyback and are really positive for both EUni and the participants and is a wonderful way to give back, mine with us for as long as you wish, all participation is appreciated.

What is a Shared Can?
Its a mining fleet where everyone throws whatever they mine into a shared pool which then gets sold and participants receive a share of the payout based on how long they were mining for.

How do you know how long I was mining for?
You need to write the time you switched your lasers on and when you switched them off in the fleet chat. You just post
lasers on HH:MM
for example.

I don't have a mining ship
No problemo, loaner ships are available - please show up 10 mins before the fleet is due to start so we can distribute them to you.

Won't smaller mining ships contribute less and get more ISK relatively compared to bigger ships?
Yup, this is a super newbro friendly fleet mechanic where more experienced miners give new miners a leg up.

How do I give you what I mined?
Just jettison what you mine into space and we'll come and slurp it up and add it to the total.

Moon goo doesn't fight back, where's the fun in that?
This is a chill fleet, come and relax with your fellow unistas, make some ISK and, there's always some entertainment planned for each fleet.

When do I get the payout?
Usually within 2 - 3 days after the fleet, once the ore has been sold and your share calculated.

Re: [To Be Rescheduled] Shared Can & Q&A

Posted: 2023.11.17 23:08
by Xobekk Gao
Having to reschedule due to some absences from the Shared Can Team and our special guest(s) needed to push it back, apologies for any disappointment we'll get this back on the list just as soon as we can arrange