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[Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.12 15:00
by Hippla
Spooky Screenshot Season has started!
The EVE University Communications department would like to announce a new event:

Spooky Screenshot Season!

How to participate?
For the next 3 weeks (until November 7th 2023) post your "Spooky Screenshot" in our Discord channel: #eve-in-pictures - it has to be a screenshot from the game, with "Spooky" as its theme - we have Crimson Harvest running, there will be plenty of opportunities.
You getting almost ganked? Exploring wormholes and avoiding hunters? Seeing a Director actually undocking? You barely surviving a fight? Find the thing that spooked you and share it with us!

But how?
Best way to take screenshots:
  • (optional but recommended) Remove the UI - press Ctrl + F9
  • Take a high resolution screenshot e.g. use the PRNT button on Windows
  • If you take screenshots with UI - blank chat windows

Does it have to be pretty?
It should! It can be completely unedited and made quickly (if you're too spooked!), but if you want to check how real PROs edit their screenshots - check out Show-and-tell with Razorien aka CCP Aperture - Ex-Unista, who mastered the art of showing how beautiful EVE is.

What's in it for me?
Rewards! The Comms department will provide some substantial rewards for the best Screenshots!
There might be additional rewards for especially creative and/or well made submissions too!

Have fun, show us your pretty pictures and win awesome prizes!

The EVE University Communications department would like to use your pictures shared in this event. If you have any objections for us to use your pictures, please DO NOT post them. Please be reminded that all use of CCP content is subject to CCP's own policies: ... of-use-en/

Thank you to Chris Halsky for this initiative!

Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.12 15:31
by Zeros Mu

Stargate Atlantis in a Wolf-Rayet

Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.12 17:01
by Shaemus O'Conor
Zeros Mu wrote: 2023.10.12 15:31
Stargate Atlantis in a Wolf-Rayet
Yes! Exactly like that! :twisted:

Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.12 18:03
by Chris Halsky
Quick and dirty - How do I make screenshots?
Quick guide how to change this:


into this:


in 17 small steps :) I have completely no idea what I'm doing, I know absolutely nothing about photography, screenshots and anything - it's just what I do, and what I find pretty :) All steps are optional, do what you want.

Step 1 - Basics
Really simple - fullscreen your game, if you can - improve graphic settings (if you are safe!), Ctrl+F9 to remove UI

Step 2 - Framing
Check how your subject looks, and what's in the background. If you can rotate your camera - great, use it to your advantage. Sometimes specific shots require specific camera angle - in that case try to avoid obscuring the subject


Step 3 - Zoom and Camera movement
  • Your Mouse wheel will zoom in and out - actually it will move camera closer and farther from the thing you're looking at
  • Alt+Mousewheel will change the actual zoom - you can control 'background size' that way. Here I opted for wide-angle
  • While in Tactical Camera (Alt+1) your camera can be freely positioned - besides turning around with LClick, you can hold RClick for 'strafing' up/down and left/right, and Mouse wheel for moving forward and backward - you can get pretty interesting shots, like:
    (taken in the same spot as Gila, no cropping - that's full screen of game)
So before next step, I settled on this shot:

Step 4 - Editing
Do what you want here - the best advice from me would be to see what looks good, then dial it back to 50% of the effect - because you will overdo it :)
Having said that - I love overdoing it :)

So, in simple steps (feel free to skip any of these if it looks bad, or add yours - it's just my quick way)
  • Go to -> Editor and upload your picture
  • Adjustment -> Brightness and Contrast: I went with 10 on Contrast
  • Adjustment -> Hue and Saturation: I always saturate more - this time 20
  • Adjustment -> Highlights and Shadows: 10 on each
  • Filter -> Vignette: I like how it looks, went with 20
  • Filter -> Bloom: 10, for more BLOOM!
  • Now on the left panel Focus/Bokeh (or "J"), on top bar selec "Radial" (circle icon), position middle of the circle on the subject, and adjust radii - inner radius should cover the subject, outer circle should be as big as possible, and I give it like 10 Blur
  • File -> Save

And you get this:


Given that I chose poorly - brown ship on brown background - I don't think it's that bad :D It will take you 5 to 10 minutes, and you might find that photo editing is your passion, who knows?



Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.16 06:09
by Arin Mara
____________________ ____________________ ____________________


____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Drifter Wormhole lashes out with saffron whips of radiation at an encroaching Tyrant Battleship protecting itself with a phosphorescent emerald shield.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

From my research into Drifter Wormholes, I knew that they could be spooky in more than one way:
  • these Wormholes are hard to find since they only appear in Systems with a Jove Observatory
  • at any point, Drifter Cruisers or Battleships could appear to Jamyl me
  • being cloaked was not a guarantee of survival either since I could be de-cloaked by a patrolling Drifter or exiting capsuleer Ships while my UI was turned off

I positioned the camera to capture the majority of the Wormhole's dissipating radiation, but without showing the Wormhole's stabilization structures on either side of the Wormhole. I waited patiently, with my finger anxious to press the Print Screen button, until a Drifter came into view.

The time between the Drifter appearing inside the image view port and disappearing into the Wormhole was 2 seconds. The Drifter turned on its shield for 0.3 seconds, once, and I was lucky enough to capture it in the image. :)

Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.31 11:31
by Shaemus O'Conor
:jack_o_lantern: :skull: Halloween is upon us! :skull: :jack_o_lantern:

As a reminder, the Spooky Screenshot Season event is still up and running!

What better day to collect (and share) some scary screenshots than today! :ghost:


Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.10.31 18:44
by Chris Halsky
Since no one asked...

Here you can see comparison of "Before" and "After" screenshots - edited in literally 5 minutes as described 3 posts above :) I also think it looks awesome looped like that ;)


Where is your submission?


Re: [Competition] Spooky Screenshot Season!

Posted: 2023.11.12 10:42
by Shaemus O'Conor
🎃 👻 Announcing the winners of the Spooky Screenshot Competition 2023!👻 🎃

Winner: Jax Greyson
Second Place: Flando Prime
Third Place: Zeros Mu

Further Winners: Jerventures, Zolpidemz

Special Prizes: Jackie Cola, Causarius Meretrix


Their entries (and prizes) can be seen on the Spooky Screenshot Competition 2023 wiki page.

On the behalf of the Communications Department I want to again thank everyone who took part in the event and special thanks go to Chris Halsky for his support in the selection process!