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[COMPLETE] Gas Huffing at the WHC (new players welcome!) | 2022.09.19 @ 22:00 EVE Time

Posted: 2022.09.14 21:49
by GentleReject
Gas Huffing at the Wormhole Campus

Fleet form-up: 22:00 EVE Time on Monday, 2022.09.19
Location: Stacmon (form up)
Comms: Delta Comms
Ship Doctrine: EUNI - [T1 Gas]/[T2 Gas] Venture fits (T1 and T2 gas fit Ventures will be provided at form up)
Fleet: Gas Huffing Travel Fleet
Travel FCs: GR Codeon/Mia Fukami

Hi all! Please join us for a new player friendly gas huffing fleet. We will be... venturing... into J-space (wormhole space) to make some risky isk! Will include a booster for maximum huffing. You are welcome to bring your own gas fit Venture or Prospect, though T1 and T2 gas fit Ventures will be made available at Stacmon during form up (thank you Mia Fukami!). For new players who want to join but cannot afford the Gas Harvesting skillbook, please send an Eve Mail or chat invite to GR Codeon in-game and I will be happy to help you fund it (until I run out of ISK) :P

This fleet will be a SHARED CAN, meaning it doesn't matter how much you mine, but how much time you spent mining with the fleet. Payouts will be handled in the coming days after the fleet is over. Our fleet's goals are to get further acquainted with the WHC, take part in some risky business, and turn some gas into ISK!

A big thank you to the WHC as they've graciously agreed to provide scanning, rolling, and security services while in J-space (wormhole space) and support the fleet however else they can.

Skill requirements:
Mining IV, Gas Cloud Harvesting I (new players see first paragraph)

Note: See fitting skill requirement summary of EUNI fits in the in-game... Fitting Window > Browser (Wrench icon) > Hulls & Fits search Venture" > Venture drop down > Right click and "Simulate Fit" ... (ensure you have "Corporation fittings" filter checked). Feel free to in-game mail or chat GR Codeon if you're unsure of how to get there.

Hope to see you all there!

Gas  Huffing.jpg