[Complete] Secret Santa 2023

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[Complete] Secret Santa 2023

Post by JohnPlayerNotSpecial »

Santa Kingswell, what's in the Box ?

Ho Ho Ho. It's time !

Welcome to Secret Santa 2023.

How does it work: Do read the detailed part for proper instructions !

-> Join by sending a mail to JohnPlayerNotSpecial, thus becoming an Elf in Secret Santa 2023.
-> Get a numbered Enormous Freight Container delivered in the Stac Uni Fort.
-> Put some Presents into said Container & deliver back to JohnPlayerNotSpecial in the Stac Uni Fort.
-> You'll get a random Container that isnt yours delivered to you.
-> Done.

How does it work in detail:

-> Join by sending a mail.
Send an ingame Evemail to JohnPlayerNotSpecial with Subject: Secret Santa 2023
What you put as Text is up to you. I might send you some Isk if it makes me laugh :)
It goes without saying that only Uni ppl or Uni alt alliance ppl are eligible ! If you're not your mail goes to /dev/null.
Timing: You'll have until 09.12.2023 11h00 evetime (aka downtime) to send me said mail in order to participate.
-> completed.

-> Get a Enormous Freight Container delivered.
I will deliver an Enormous Freight Container to you in the Stacmon Fortizar (Uni HQ). The container will be numbered, please do not change that number !
Timing: I will try to deliver all the Boxes on the 09.12.2023 after downtime (might take a while so be patient).
-> completed.

-> Put some Presents into said Container & deliver back to JohnPlayerNotSpecial in the Uni Fort.
Gift what you want ! Could be something useful or something funny. If you want to gift "fitted" ships they have to be packaged, dont forget to include the modules & rigs. In the end the only thing i ask for is you do not break your bank but also do not be a grinch ! Noone wants to receive one Tritanium.
Timing: You'll have until 23.12.2023 11h00 evetime (aka downtime) to deliver me your present.
-> completed.

-> You'll get a random Container that isnt yours delivered to you.
I will randomize the numbered participants so you will get a random Box that isnt yours delivered to you in the Uni fort.
Timing: I will try to deliver all the Boxes on the 23.12.2023 after downtime (might take a while so be patient).
-> completed.

-> Done.
Done :roll:
-> we are here.


-> Any rules/regulations about present size ?
Nope. Do not break your bank but also please do not be the person who gifts one metal scrap in the hopes for a big present for themself. While i'm not going to check the box contents, i might do some random checks and act accordingly.

-> Do i need to do a contract ?
You do not ! I will deliver the box to you and you'll receive a notification à la 'things delivered to you'. Once you put your presents into your box you then can rightclick the box & select 'deliver to'. That'll save you the 10k for the contract even.

-> What if I am not happy with my present ?
Sorry if your present doesn't satisfy your expectations. But the 250000m³ volume of an enormous freight container being in highsec should squash the hopes of "will i get a carrier ?". In the end we're a newbro corp as in most of the participants do not have unlimited funds, so please do not expect something ridiculous.

-> What if someone forgets to hand over their present ?
If i did not receive a box then that person simply gets crossed out of the gifting phase. Please do respect the timings mentioned above.

-> Are you going to steal all the gifts ?

-> Really ?
Jokes aside, i'm not stealing your things. Also directors can simply look at my hangar as it's in the Uni fort. I even offer to stream the delivery phase on a personal 1on1 stream with the higher up of your choice (depending on my TZ that is) where i grab each box out of delivery hangar & do the thing.

-> What if i'm late with my mail/delivery ?
If late for mail you'll not get a box delivered to put things into. If late for delivery i'll deliver your box back to you.

-> Is this an excellent way to scam a free Container ?

-> Why not like last year ?
Here's the post for last years Secret Santa. While in theory it sounds better it was a massive pain to keep on top of everything, and then chasing the ppl who didnt send their gifts, etc... This new method guarantees everyone gets a Box and i dont have to be bothered till mid january like last year :)

-> My presents are in Jita/PC9/somewhere ?
Uni Hauling is your friend :) And if in a non-supported location, ask in #uni-hauling on discord.

-> Is "Santa Kingswell" a thing ?
Nope. Wine killed him. Dont drink & fly sleds kids.


edit: more faq answers, timing change for receiving presents (24->23).
Last edited by JohnPlayerNotSpecial on 2023.12.24 06:19, edited 10 times in total.
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Troy Boirelle
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Troy Boirelle »

Very nice! Looking forward to this.
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Captain Roy Orbit
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Captain Roy Orbit »

Fantastic. This sounds very cool.
Captain Roy Orbit
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Spooky Splore
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Spooky Splore »

Is there some way to send a note along with the package?
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by JohnPlayerNotSpecial »

Spooky Splore wrote: 2023.11.28 01:43 Is there some way to send a note along with the package?
There is not i'm afraid.
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by dephect »

what a great idea!!
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Nedrah Krup
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Nedrah Krup »

Awesome that you host this event for the Uni!!!! :D
We appreciate your efforts
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Orvenis Prelent
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Orvenis Prelent »

I love this and cant wait to put the goodies I've already collected into my present to send off! :)
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Upposen Talvanen
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Upposen Talvanen »

JPNS strikes again!
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Shaemus O'Conor
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Shaemus O'Conor »

:gift: :christmas_tree: Last Call for Entering into the Secret Santa 2023 Event! :christmas_tree: :gift:

Only about half a day left to sign up for JPNS' Secret Santa 2023!

So if you haven't already and want to participate in handing out (and receiving!) EVE Christmas gifts, go read the original post above for instructions and contact JohnPlayerNotSpecial.

All praise the glorious Griffin!

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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by JohnPlayerNotSpecial »

Each participant has gotten a container delivered :)

Please do not rename said container !
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Jae Car'das
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Jae Car'das »

Is it bad that I have done my xmas shopping in Eve but not in rl ? lol
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by JohnPlayerNotSpecial »

Small reminder to please deliver your boxes, after you've put your presents into, back to me before 23.12.2023 11h00 evetime (aka downtime)
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by JohnPlayerNotSpecial »

JohnPlayerNotSpecial wrote: 2023.11.27 22:41 -> What if someone forgets to hand over their present ?
If i did not receive a box then that person simply gets crossed out of the gifting phase. Please do respect the timings mentioned above.

-> What if i'm late with my mail/delivery ?
If late for mail you'll not get a box delivered to put things into. If late for delivery i'll deliver your box back to you.
Reminder: you have till tomorrow DT (2023.12.23 11h00 evetime) to deliver me your box in the uni fort in stac.
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Mali Brocreux
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Re: [Event] Secret Santa 2023

Post by Mali Brocreux »

Thanks to whoever gave this snazzy Prowler fit! I have stuck Hauler V in my training queue so that I can take it for a spin. :-)
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