(COMPLETE) 2024-04-27 Introduction to Industry (1430 Eve time)

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Alastair Thomas
Posts: 293
Joined: 2022.07.23 16:43
Title: Community Lead (NSC)

(COMPLETE) 2024-04-27 Introduction to Industry (1430 Eve time)

Post by Alastair Thomas »


This CORE class aims to introduce new players to Industry in EVE Online.

Most items in EVE are Player made - this class will teach the fundamentals of how to join in the effort of providing New Eden with the ships, guns, modules, rigs, ammo, and more!

Scheduled Classes: 27 Apr, 1430 EVE Time
Where: Eve Uni Twitch
Instructor: Alastair Thomas
Duration: 1 hour lecture + Q&A
This CORE class covers the following topics:
  • What is Industry
  • Research
  • Manufacturing
  • Invention
  • Reactions
  • Skills
  • Q&A
Reading list: Additional information: This class is primarily a lecture and discussion. There is no practical component or need to undock. We recommend not doing anything risky or attention-intensive in-game while listening!

Followed by a Q&A
Community Lead
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