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(COMPLETE) 2024-04-27 Introduction to Trade (1330)

Posted: 2024.04.27 11:13
by Alastair Thomas

This CORE class aims to introduce new players to Trading in EVE Online.

Introduction to Trade teaches the basics of Trading in EVE Online, how to go about buying and selling goods, and hopefully making a profit while doing so.

Scheduled Classes: 27 Apr, 1330 EVE Time
Where: Eve Uni Twitch
Instructor: Alastair Thomas
Duration: 1 hour lecture + Q&A
This CORE class covers the following topics:
  • The Market
  • The Market Window
  • Buy and Sell Orders
  • Station Trading and Trade Hubs
  • Making a Profit
  • Region Trading
  • Inter-Region Trading
  • Direct Trade and Contracts
  • Q&A
Additional information: This class is primarily a lecture and discussion. There is no practical component or need to undock. We recommend not doing anything risky or attention-intensive in-game while listening!

Followed by a Q&A