[COMPLETE] Intro to Mining 2024/4/21 20:00 Eve Time

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Mohoao Maripi
Posts: 28
Joined: 2021.12.22 05:38

[COMPLETE] Intro to Mining 2024/4/21 20:00 Eve Time

Post by Mohoao Maripi »


Mining is one of the most basic activities in Eve for both the newbro and the seasoned veteran. For the newbro mining is an excellent lower-risk way to learn the mechanics of Eve and to make some ISK. This class will be a broad overview of the how, what where and why of mining in Eve.

When: Sunday 2024/4/21 20:00 Eve Time
Where: Mumble for voice, Discord for slides and questions
Instructor: Mohoao Maripi
Duration: 1 hour

Student must have access to Mumble and Discord. There will not be a practical component to the course. It's not recommended to do anything risky or attention-intensive in-game while in class.

Note: This class is a 'work in progress' so comments and input are greatly appreciated.
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