[AAR] BLOPs with Yuri 1 Jan

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Yuri Levnik
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[AAR] BLOPs with Yuri 1 Jan

Post by Yuri Levnik »


We were blessed with 35 in fleet, which is awesome, but that meant we couldn't filament. As a result, we took multiple mids to Queries which left us with a nasty blue timer. Targets all docked up in Queries, couldn't redeploy to Delve due to the blue timer. Lots of waiting, no action.

Had some folks drop after 2.5 hours, filamented to Detroid, equally boring and our route to Thera was blocked by a small gatecamp that I didn't feel like messing with them. Filamented to Poch, then out of Poch. A few jumps and then one mid to PC9, which took a long time as we were hoping to drop something that ended up being too skerry.

Overall, not a very good fleet. Going to reflect and contemplate how to handle large numbers better next time.


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Re: [AAR] BLOPs with Yuri 1 Jan

Post by Tomlin »

I think you did a fine job on the field given the circumstances Yuri. PC9 staging is pretty tough with >25 people and no Thera holes.

From my perspective as a scout/hunter on this one, I think this was the most sitting around I've done. I probably only actually was searching for content in ~20 systems max. It was a lot of just traveling and then waiting in a system at a safe to light a cyno to get the fleet there. This led to a lot of downtime for me; just waiting at a safe instead of searching about. Jump timers also seemed like a far bigger issue in this fleet than most of the previous ones, since we repositioned so much.

Don't know what we could have done better there really. Perhaps having 2 dedicated travel cyno people while the hunters were out searching for content. That's a fair bit more torpedoes lost too though. Perhaps just trying more out of PR- again and hoping we can find a counter to the station camping they do to us there? No clean solutions really...

Still enjoyed the fleet overall, just was a bit frustrated at not being able to do much, as I'm sure you and a lot of others were too. On a high note, I am happy to have escaped so many gatecamps. I think I successfully burned and warped out of 6 different bubbles with sabers and flycatchers chasing me. Our presence definitely riled them up along the way.
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