[COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

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Ewige Blumenkraft
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[COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022
Can August already be upon us? Let’s make this an August to remember with a Small Gang PvP Tournament. What do you need to do?

With your small gang team of 2 to 5 Uni members, wreak havoc across New Eden, sowing mayhem and destruction while doing as much damage as possible! Write a proper After Action Report (AAR) for each small gang roam. The only kills that count are those included in your AAR.


HOST: Élan Vital
WHAT: 2-5 Uni member small gang team PvP tournament that runs the whole month of August
HULL OR FIT RESTRICTIONS: There are none. Hull and fitting restrictions are for Fight Club. And this ain't Fight Club. Fly whatever you want as long as you fly only what you can afford to lose.
DURATION: 00:00EVE 1 August until 23:59EVE 31 August


Uni has generously provided some awesome prizes for this event

At the end of the month, prizes will be awarded to teams with the following achievements:

Most kills - 200,000,000 ISK
Most expensive kill - 200,000,000 ISK
Most successful kill while outnumbered and/or outshipped - 100,000,000 ISK
Most lossmails - 5 Federation Navy Comets (get back out there and fight some more)
Best AAR thread - a GILA Scope Syndication
Best Weekly AAR threads:
  • Week 1 - Tempest Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 2 - Megathron Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 3 - Tempest Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 4 - Megathron Scope Syndication SKIN
* The most estimable Anidien Dellacort has contributed 250M ISK to the contest! The stakes are getting higher...let's see what you do, pilots! Or, for those of you who want to take the pot to the next level, good on ya! Let's see where we can take this!
* We have had the most cryptic and inimitable Cryptic Sharvas donate a mystery prize. Is it something that you want to win? Hard to say, but one team will likely find out!


Entering a team into the competition is simple: One player on your team creates an individual post in the AAR forum with the title "[AAR][Small Gang Competition] <team name>".

This post should include:
  • List of team members
  • Any other information you’d like to share. Your team philosophy or goals. Or a chili recipe. OK, maybe not a chili recipe, but I do have a good one. You can either meet the basic contest requirements or you go the extra mile and enhance the your initial team entry over the course of the competition. Your call. HINT: if you want to talk about how your team bonded, developed tactics, became better pilots or anything like that, you might consider it because it counts for the Best AAR Thread prize.
After each roam, simply reply to your Small Gang Competition main post with the AAR for that roam.

Here is an example of an AAR thread from a previous Small Gang Tournament:
https://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtop ... 6&t=121526

  • The competition runs from 00:00EVE 1 August until 23:59EVE 31 August.
  • AARs are the official documentation of your kills. To be eligible, AARs may submitted up until 3 September at 23:59EVE.
  • EVE Uni events follow the Uni's standard rules of engagement, so this one will as well.
  • Teams may be comprised of 2 to 5 players who are members of EVE University. Alts are allowed, but you can't be a fleet of me, myself and I for this.
  • There is no limitation on ships except that you should fly only fly that which you are willing and can afford to lose.
  • Each team creates a post of its own on the AAR forums titled [Small Gang Competition] <team name>, and updates the thread with AARs after each roam.
  • At a minimum, the team's AAR must contain:
    * A list of all roam members and the ships they flew.
    * Links to all killmails and losses on zkillboard.com.
    * Total kill and loss counts.
    * The total ISK destroyed, lost, and delta.
    * Please make sure that you mark ineligible kills and deduct those kills from your ISK totals
    * For a kill to be eligible for the “Most successful kill while outnumbered and/or out-shipped” award, you must nominate the kills in your AAR. Please also include a brief description/explanation of the kill.
  • Using your chat log after a fight, this AAR roam report tool
    https://marnvermuldir.github.io/EveRoamReport/ will generate a forum ready post with everything that you need. It will even add links to the Zkill reports. It does require some editing, but it does the bulk of the work for you.
  • It must be listed in your AAR
  • It must include at least two team members (to maintain the team nature of this activity, but also by implication, you can fly with less than your full team)
  • Team members must cumulatively account for more than 50% of damage applied by players. A good example would be the weird kills Zkill credits where someone you shot once or twice dies, but they died with the bulk of damage and killing blow being dealt by other player(s) in another system nine minutes after your ship died. NPC damage is not counted, so even if gate guns were 60% of the damage on your killmail, as long as you and one other teammate were more than 50% of player-caused damage, it is a good kill.
  • Cannot be a kill mail for a corvette, pod, or shuttle
  • Cannot be caused by friendly fire
  • Cannot have other non-team Ivy League members on them unless you have four team members or fewer. In the case of four team members or less, you may include one non-team Ivy League member on the kill and still have it count (this is to encourage people to go out independently, rather than just join big fleets).
RULES CHANGE: 5 Aug - Changed non-team Ivy League member rule for eligible kills.

For fun! For glory! For our beloved Uni!
Last edited by Ewige Blumenkraft on 2022.09.04 10:51, edited 39 times in total.
Ewige Blumenkraft
EVE University alumnus, bon vivant, and Uni Fight Club afficianado
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Yuri Levnik
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Yuri Levnik »

I'm forming a US Eastern TZ smolgang for this event (undocking around 2200-2359 EVE). Currently have two people (me and Lakidi), accepting up to three more. No PVP experience necessary. The two of us have limited time in August so if you want a gang that's going to be out every night, we're not the one for you. I am mostly planning on shipping up in Jita and heading into Tama to find fights, probably around an hour per "session", two sessions per week. Not sure what we'll be flying yet, but don't worry about your fitting skills - we'll get you into a boat. If interested, forum PM me or HMU on Discord, Yuri Levnik#5778

Fight fight fight!

Edit - JDTech has joined our gang! Room for two more!
Edit 2 - Lee King has joined our team, one spot left!
Edit 3 - Nora Viliana has joined our team. We are ready to go!
Last edited by Yuri Levnik on 2022.08.01 16:21, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Clarityz »

Found our 5!

Void Delver
Shukken Tekitsu
Hippla Tsero

I'm forming a EU TZ gang! Think somewhere inbetween 1700-2100 eve time.

I was thinking we could try two scheduled roams in weekends, and then one scheduled evening roam on one weekday. (we can discuss availability) Then of course any imromptu stuff for anyone who wants to group up and go fly in space, but with no expectation except for the three roams a week. Not all 5 people need to be available for each form up, we'll share the load and talk about who goes when. Though you're always welcome to come.

Anyone is welcome, and I encourage new players to message me about it! I'll make sure you get in a ship and will know roughly what's going on! I'll update this post if that changes.

For more experienced players, I'm happy to let people fly what they want. So if you want to try something fancy, or something dumb, you should could join my gang! (including drugs)

Easiest way to reach me is on Discord: Clarity#8059
Last edited by Clarityz on 2022.07.30 14:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Ewige Blumenkraft
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

Full and fair disclosure post: I am going to be participating in the competition. That being said, my team will be exempt from winning any of the subjective prizes (best AARs, best out-shipped/out-numbered kill), but can win objectively determined prizes (most kills, most expensive kill, most lossmails).
Last edited by Ewige Blumenkraft on 2022.07.30 19:17, edited 1 time in total.
Ewige Blumenkraft
EVE University alumnus, bon vivant, and Uni Fight Club afficianado
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

My team is now complete and ready to rock.
  • Alphabeta Gamau
  • Angry Jell
  • Élan Vital
  • Julius Frontinus
  • Wilruk Osterhus

Good luck to everyone and see you in space. o7

Julius Frontinus and I are looking for a couple good pilots, two to be exact. We are both US Eastern, with me often on as early as 18:00EVE and as late as 05:00EVE and Julius typically logging in a little later, solidly in US Eastern.

A caveat: Since I am the host, if you are our team, you cannot win any of the prizes that are subjective (namely the AAR prizes. Most kills isn't a matter of subjective standards). That being said, if you are on the team, I will make it worth you forgoing these prizes.

New players are preferred, but salty old veterans are welcome as well. I'm especially interested if you want to rotate team roles (learn how to FC, scout, etc with a team you'll become familiar with). You don't have to know fittings or anything else. To paraphrase an esteemed Unista, showing up and undocking are two of the most important things in PvP.

The easiest way to contact me is via DM on Discord.
Last edited by Ewige Blumenkraft on 2022.07.30 19:12, edited 1 time in total.
Ewige Blumenkraft
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skippy Kanjus
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by skippy Kanjus »

I am interested in participating. I am willing to join existing teams or form a new one. Lets chat in game about it! I play in US Eastern/Central timezone.
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Jalxan »


Hello Capsuleers!

I am seeking four tenacious pilots to join me as my wingman while we fly the dangerous skies of Eve! We will hunt down pirates, and make them pay for hunting down the innocent pilots they prey upon! We will hit them fast, we will hit them hard, and we will make sure that we make the reputation that when we're around - crime doesn't pay.

Skill Level:
It doesn't matter your skill level - if you're new, I'll help you get up to speed!

Nano Doctrine - fast and hard is the name of the game. Ships are purchased by the owner - but I can provide them free of charge if you're new.

Time Zone:
I live in Eastern Time, but I'm usually online between 20:00 and 12:00 Eve Time these days.

We use Mumble or Discord, depending. I have a Discord set up for opsec purposes.

Please DM me! 8)
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Cryptic Sharvas
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Cryptic Sharvas »

So who won the prizes? Who do I send my mystery prize too?
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Ewige Blumenkraft
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

Cryptic Sharvas wrote: 2022.09.02 11:33 So who won the prizes? Who do I send my mystery prize too?
All the teams have until the 3 September to submit their AARs. Everything is already tallied, I'll add in any straggler AARs to the the numbers, and then announce all the winners on 4 September, as well as the winner of the special Cryptic Sharvas prize.
Ewige Blumenkraft
EVE University alumnus, bon vivant, and Uni Fight Club afficianado
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

The August Small Gang PvP Competition 2022 Results

The August Small Gang PvP Competition 2022 has ended and the results have been tabulated, if only because I made a spreadsheet. For everyone who participated, thank you so much for getting out in to space and enjoying exploding spaceships, both yours and others. August is often a busy month for many and we had a war as well, but a whole lot of PvP was had as well as fun.

Our competitors were: And without further ado, the prizes:

Most kills (contest eligible) goes to Y’ALL who killed 37 ships with 26 being contest eligible for a value of 2,275,266,591 ISK. They will receive 200,000,000 ISK

Most expensive kill goes to Y’ALL with a Curse valued at 761,109,636 ISK. They will receive 200,000,000 ISK

Most successful kill while outnumbered and/or outshipped goes to Y’ALL for killing a Tengu in a heavy gate camp. They will receive 100,000,000 ISK

Most lossmails goes to Y’ALL who lost 47 ships. They will receive 5 Federation Navy Comets

Best overall AAR thread: Y’ALL. They will receive a GILA Scope Syndication

Best Weekly AAR Threads
  • Week 1 The Mish-Kady Treatment. They will receive a Tempest Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 2 Y’ALL. They will receive a Megathron Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 3 Y’ALL. They will receive a Tempest Scope Syndication SKIN
  • Week 4 The Mish-Kady Treatment. They will receive a Megathron Scope Syndication SKIN
The prizes have been distributed and thanks to Uni as well as Anidien Dellacort the prize pool and Cryptic Sharvas for his prize, yet to be awarded.
Last edited by Ewige Blumenkraft on 2022.09.04 16:27, edited 7 times in total.
Ewige Blumenkraft
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Re: [EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament

Post by Clarityz »

As I said in the AAR post, we had a lot of fun. The numbers didn't work out for getting a lot of kills that counted for the tournament, but the important thing is we undocked and had fun. Thanks a lot for this event Elan!
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Nora Viliana
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Re: [COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

Post by Nora Viliana »

This event was, by far, the most fun I've had while flying with E-UNI. Thanks for putting this together, Elan.
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Cryptic Sharvas
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Re: [COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

Post by Cryptic Sharvas »

My prize was a set of +5 implants to the most expensive loss of a pod. In other words, if you weren't in a clean clone, and you lost your pod, and it was the most expensive loss, I have a set of +5 implants for you. I believe I was told there was only one loss can I get confirmation?
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Yuri Levnik
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Re: [COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

Post by Yuri Levnik »

I know for sure that Lee King lost his +3 implant pod on our very last fight of the competition!

"He's like a shark; a shark doesn't eat you because he hates you. He eats you because he's hungry and you're there." - Elihugh Beecher
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Ewige Blumenkraft
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Re: [COMPLETED][EVENT] EVE University August Small Gang PvP Tournament 2022

Post by Ewige Blumenkraft »

Yuri Levnik wrote: 2022.09.04 13:51 I know for sure that Lee King lost his +3 implant pod on our very last fight of the competition!
The most expensive pod loss from all lossmails reported was Lee King's, which..gives...yet another win to Y'ALL?
Ewige Blumenkraft
EVE University alumnus, bon vivant, and Uni Fight Club afficianado
don't bring a needle to a haystack fight
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